Përgatiti: Skender Mustafi
Modeli i mëposhtëm mund të shfrytëzohet si për të kuptuar ndërlidhjen mes pjesëve të një kompjuteri (desktop) gjithashtu edhe për nevoja tjera, siç është realizimi i një softueri i cili përmbushë nevojat e konsumatorëve përmes kërkesave të tyre. Kjo e dyta ka qenë për bazë gjatë analizës sime me Tuan Nguen. Pra kemi marrë për bazë pjesët kryesore të kompjuterit dhe kemi shtjelluar çështjet dhe problematikat të cilat paraqiten gjatë realizimit të dëshirave të konsumatorëve. Qëllimi ishte realizimi i një modeli aplikativ i cili u mundëson konsumatorëve që të kombinojnë një kompjuter sipas dëshirës së tyre, dhe ky kompjuter të jetë funksional. Si rezultat kemi arritur të përfundojmë që një softuer i tillë është shumë i vështirë për të qenë aktual në çdo kohë meqë kombinimi mes pjesëve është i ndërvarur dhe selektiv duke mos lejuar kombinime të çfarëdoshme. Për këtë arsye softueri gjatë gjithë kohës duhet freskuar me pjesët e reja të kompjuterëve si dhe këto pjesë duhet analizuar për të kuptuar përputhshmërinë me pjesët tjera ndërlidhëse.
Për të realizuar projektin jemi përqendruar në analizën e kompjuterit dhe pjesëve të tija kryesore. Pastaj kemi shfrytëzuar “SBVR” për të përcaktuar faktet të cilat përshkruajnë pjesët e kompjuterit dhe ndërlidhjen me tyre, pastaj kemi shkruar rregullat të cilat na kanë ndihmuar që tërë këtë dituri të e paraqesim në programim logjik i cili është realizuar përmes softuerit të njohur WIN-PROLOG.
Për më tepër më poshtë mund të shihni pjesë nga ky kërkim shkencor: pjesë nga faktet e mbledhura, pjesë nga rregullat (në përputhshmëri me faktet e paraqitura) si dhe pjesë nga kodi i programuar. Diagrami është përpiluar duke shfrytëzuar mjetin online për modelim diagramesh Diagrammr.com dhe përmban tërë listën e mëposhtme të fakteve.
Fact Types
Computer fact types
Computer has computer case
Computer case fact types
Computer case has motherboard
Computer case has storage
Computer case has CPU
Computer case has RAM
Computer case has Graphic Card
Mother Board fact types
Mother board is made by company
Mother board has socket
Mother board has ram slot
Mother board has chip set
Mother board has expansion slot
Mother board has disk interface
Disk Interface is Bit Serial Interface
Disk Interface is World Serial Interface
CPU fact types
CPU is made by company
CPU is compatible with motherboard
CPU has capacity
CPU has socket
CPU has speed
RAM fact types
RAM is made by company
RAM is compatible with motherboard
RAM has capacity
Storage fact types
Storage is compatible with motherboard
Storage is Hard Disk
Storage is Solid State
Hard Disk fact types
Hard Disk is made by company
Hard Disk has disk interface
Hard Disk has capacity
Hard Disk has speed
Solid State fact types
Solid State is made by company
Solid State has capacity
Solid State has speed
Graphic Card fact types
Graphic Card is made by company
Graphic Card is compatible with motherboard
Graphic Card has memory
Graphic Card has expansion interface
Graphic Card is Separated Graphic Card
Graphic Card is Integrated Graphic Card
Integrated Graphic Card is supported by Chip set
Interconnection fact types
CPU socket is compatible with the motherboard
RAM PIN is compatible with the motherboard ram slot
Graphic Card expansion interface is compatible with the motherboard expansion slot
Storage interface is compatible with the motherboard disk interface
Structural Rules
It is necessary that a CPU is compatible with a motherboard if the CPU socket is compatible with the motherboard
Description: A motherboard type can be compatible just with CPU which has socket which is compatible with that motherboard.
It is necessary that a RAM is compatible with a motherboard if the PIN of the RAM is compatible with the ram slot of the motherboard
Description: The RAM must have PIN that is compatible with the ram slot of the motherboard in order the RAM to be compatible with the motherboard.
It is necessary that a Graphic Card is compatible with a motherboard if the expansion interface of the Graphic Card is compatible with the expansion slot of the motherboard
Description: The Graphic Cards must have expansion interface that is compatible with expansion slot of the motherboard in order the Graphic Card to be compatible with the motherboard.
It is necessary that Storage is compatible with motherboard if the interface of the Storage is compatible with the disk interface of the motherboard
Description: The storage must have interface that is compatible with the disk interface of the motherboard in order the storage to be compatible with the motherboard.
It is necessary that a computer case has a motherboard and a computer case has CPU and a computer case has RAM and a computer case has Graphic Card
Description: The computer case must have motherboard, CPU, RAM and Graphic Card.
Operative Rules
It is obligatory that a Disk Interface is Bit Serial Interface
Description: Bit serial interface is type of disk interface.
It is obligatory that a Disk Interface is World Serial Interface
Description: World serial interface is type of disk interface.
It is obligatory that CPU requires RAM that has at least minimum capacity in order to make recommendations
Description: The rule defines the condition that the type of CPU requires the RAM with at least minimum capacity, upon which can be made computer recommendations.
It is permitted that a Storage space is a Hard Disk
Description: Hard disk is accepted type of storage.
It is permitted that a Storage space is a Solid State
Description: Solid state is accepted type of storage.
It is permitted that a Graphic Card is a Separated Graphic Card
Description: Separated graphic card is accepted type of graphic card.
It is permitted that a Graphic Card is an Integrated Graphic Card
Description: Integrated graphic card is accepted type of graphic card.
It is obligatory that CPU requires Graphic Card that has at least minimum memory in order to make recommendations
Description: The rule defines the condition that the type of CPU requires the Graphic Card with at least minimum memory, upon which can be made computer recommendations.
It is obligatory that a Separate Graphic Card requires Storage that has minimum capacity for the memory of the Separate Graphic Card in order to make recommendations
Description: The rule defines the condition that the type of the Graphic Card with specific memory requires storage with minimum capacity for that memory in order to make recommendation for computer.
It is obligatory that a computer has computer case, and a computer has recommended CPU, and a computer has a recommended RAM, and a computer has a recommended Graphic Card, and a computer has a recommended Storage
Description: The rule defines the recommended components for a computer. The combination between the different types of the components is restricted with the other rules based on their compatibility.
Pjesë nga kodi i programimit logjik
/*-------Support function-------------------------------*/
sublist1(S, L):- append(_, L2, L), append(S, _, L2).
contains(A, B):- atom(A), atom(B), name(A, AA), name(B, BB), contains(AA, BB).
contains(A, B) :- atom(A), name(A, AA), contains(AA, B).
%% The empty list is removed mainly for nicer output in the following example.
contains(A, B) :- sublist1(B, A), B \= [], length(B,L), L @>= 4.
similar_name(X,Y) :- not cpu(X), cpu(Y), contains(X,Z), contains(Y,Z), X @\= Y, write(‘Suggestion with CPU’ = Y), nl.
similar_socket(X,Y) :- X @\=Y, cpu(X), cpu(Y), use_socket(X, S), use_socket(Y, S), write(‘—————-Suggestion (same socket)with CPU’ = Y), nl.
similiar_cpu(X, Y) :- similar_name(X, Y).
similiar_cpu(X, Y) :- similar_socket(X, Y).
/*recommendation_case(B, C, R, G, S) :- (C @\= CSimilar -> similiar_cpu(C , CSimilar),recommendation_case(B, CSimilar, R, G, S) ; !).*/
recommendation_similar_case(B, C, R, G, S) :- recommendation_case(B, C, R, G, S),!.
recommendation_similar_case(B, C, R, G, S) :- similiar_cpu(C , CSimilar),recommendation_case(B, CSimilar, R, G, S).
/* write(‘C’ = CSimilar), nl.*/